Wax Like a Boss Part 1

4 Tips to avoid waxing reactions

Waxing like a boss is about choosing great products, offering more than the client expects, lots of practice and building the confidence to stay in control of whatever happens in the treatment room.

In this issue, let's talk about treatment room control of skin reactions.

When winter mellows, spring reaches out with bright promises and lovely blooms.

RednessIf your clients are anything like mine... spring also seems to bring on more skin sensitivities.

  • Itching
  • Burning sensations or "hot" skin

All can be symptoms of spring pollen allergies. Allergies can show up at any time. Most often we develop them over a long period of time. Clients who never had any sensitivities can suddenly react unexpectedly.

Milder temperatures have the forsythia blooming, trees blossoming and unseen pollens lurking in the air. Just going for a walk or a bike ride can be enough to make the skin more reactive. Maybe the client noted itchy eyes or a runny nose and started taking an antihistamine. They don't think to mention this to us. Then they react differently to a wax that normally gives them no problem at all.

Here are four tips to help avoid a surprise reaction.

1. If the skin looks inflamed in the area to be waxed - reschedule. Never wax over inflammation. Clients may fuss but be that boss waxer and do what you know is best for the client. Have them seek medical advice and get the problem under control before waxing.

2. Make sure you have a hypoallergenic wax with anti-inflammatories warm and ready to go.
Cirepil recommendations: Vegetal, Cristal Ocean, Nacre Blanche, and Cristalline. Intimate 4 has calming agents and anti-irritants but is not labeled hypoallergenic.

3. When clients come in be sure to ask them about any health changes that they are experiencing. I casually ask, "so how you doing with all these pollens out there?" A simple question like this can tip you off to potential problems.
4. Use the Cirepil Blue Lotion before and after every wax. It has a gentle formula. The low alcohol content disinfects without irritation. Organic cornflower hydrates and soothes the skin.
After waxing and wiping the area down with Blue lotion apply Cirepil After Wax Refreshing Gel. Enriched with grape leaf extract and honey it imparts a sense of coolness, calms and soothes the skin.

Here's to happy waxing and great client experiences! Now go be that boss waxer...

7th Sep 2020 Judith Culp

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