Celebrate...We've Made It To August!


Have an ice cream cone or do something fun.

Hope this newsletter finds you and yours safe and healthy. It's a tough time and everyone is super stressed. Our industry is doing a good job of stepping up to the pandemic challenges.

We're working even cleaner, safer, and following guidelines to protect ourselves, our families, and our clients. I salute you!

Many of our customers are anxious, stressed, and unsure. They need us to be their steadying force. As we work our way through this, the one constant will be changes. We need to focus on quality customer experiences to help our clients and keep them bonded.

The way things have always been done no longer applies in most situations. Customers are looking for easier and more convenient ways to navigate the new normal. Look for ways you can help them. It strengthens bonds and builds good will.

Salons and clinics need to continue to build on goodwill by staying innovative and empathetic. They need to ease customers back into normal life while staying realistic and responsible. Staying true to the messages from the pandemic builds on authenticity and creates long-term relationships.

There are three things your customers are looking for now. Convenience, health and safety, and purpose. A recent survey showed 62% of consumers are focused on their safety.

Right now, convenience and safety outweigh customer loyalty. If you don't make them feel you are concerned and working to keep them safe...you risk losing them.

The effects of the coronavirus pandemic will be felt for years to come. To survive and thrive, we just need to focus on strengthening customer relationships and changing customer needs.

We can do this!
I've added links to our social media. Visit us on Facebook and share one big change you've made to help your customers. 
7th Sep 2020 Judith Culp

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